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Creating a Competitive Advantage: What are Content Services?

Cutting-edge technology can streamline your business workflows.
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All businesses seek to gain increased efficiencies and find a way to get ahead of the competition. Yet, inexplicably, many organisations don’t know how to achieve it. With the arrival of Content Services, the latest technological development in content management solutions, firms must act quickly in order to gain a competitive advantage before the full market opens their eyes to just how much it has to offer.

Shockingly, only one in five companies are familiar with the technology. Among smaller and medium sized enterprises, this rate is even lower, with only 22% recognising the terminology. This presents a significant opportunity.

Above all, firms must seek to educate themselves on what is available. These technologies are, clearly, little known, but can offer much to their users. As they become more commonplace, knowledge and recognition will grow, but acquiring that knowledge sooner, rather than later, gives organisations the opportunity to get ahead of the crowd.

What are Content Services?

Content Services are the latest breakthrough in the field of content management solutions. It is an accumulation of the latest services and micro-services which enable companies to achieve levels of efficiency which can take a business to the next level.

What’s more, these services can apply equally to any type of company of any size, and also to any kind of department or work group within an organisation. Content Services has a strong ability to integrate through connectors and databases allows the system to work across teams and areas, handling different kinds of information and data.

The primary role that Content Services play is in the streamlining of workflows and automation of processes such as data capture and tagging. Whereas currently a business may have a dedicated team of administrators, Content Services can automatically receive information, capture the important data and input it into other software or deliver it straight to the relevant professional’s inbox.

Storing all data in one place enables companies to remove many of their paper records. Doing so also gives the chance to improve the mobility of a workforce. The rise of mobile applications and remote access enable workers to be on the road and still have full access to all of their files.

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Only 22% of organisations are familiar with Content Services. It is no secret to IT experts and those in technology that those who are early adopters and dive into new technology first often have the potential to benefit the most. Building on the efficiencies that Content Services have to offer, firms can develop a competitive advantage long before their rivals even begin to consider implementation.

A better-known technology in the same field is Enterprise Content Management (ECM), yet still only 27% of firms are aware of this solution. However, the market is now moving on from ECM. Previously considered the solution to all workplace problems, the invention of Content Services has served as a next step which goes one better to resolving problems.

What businesses must do is be brave. These technologies are not temperamental or unpredictable and do not pose a threat to their operations. If anything, it is the opposite by reducing risks with their tight security measures. Getting involved early on in the process must be a priority for firms who truly wish to gain from the explosion of new technology.

Given that nine out of ten businesses have confessed to considering an investment in content management solutions in the next 12 months, all experts and decision makers must seek to learn more about what is available on the market. Content Services may be the latest trend but is accompanied by the likes of ECM and Document Management Solutions. Choosing which of these technologies is the ideal tool to overcome business challenges may be the difference between a firm becoming a pioneer in their market or remaining an also-ran.


Download Kyocera's Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019.

Read the full study, including intriguing insights and analysis of the current state of digital transformation across Europe in 2019 and predictions for the future. Delve into the detail of how companies across six advanced European economies are using the latest technology to digitalise their workplace.

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Uporabljamo nujne piškotke za zagotavljanje pravilnega delovanja naše spletne strani. Statistični piškotki nam pomagajo bolje razumeti, kako se naša spletna stran uporablja, ter marketinški piškotki, ki nam omogočajo boljše prilagajanje vsebine obiskovalcem naše spletne strani. Svoje nastavitve za piškotke lahko izberete z uporabo gumba 'Nastavitve' spodaj, ali izberete 'Sprejmi vse piškotke' in nadaljujete z vsemi piškotki. Z izbiro 'Sprejmi vse piškotke' se strinjate, da se ti piškotki shranijo na vašo napravo. Te piškotke lahko zavrnete z izbiro 'Sprejmi samo nujne piškotke', v tem primeru nam dovolite, da na vašo napravo shranimo le tiste piškotke, ki so potrebni za pravilni prikaz naše spletne strani.

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S piškotki zagotovljamo, da naša spletna stran deluje pravilno, občasno tudi, da na vašo zahtevo ponudimo dodatno storitev (kot je upravljanje vaših nastavitev piškotkov). Ti piškotki so vedno aktivni, razen če nastavite brskalnik, da jih blokira, kar lahko prepreči, da bi nekateri deli spletnega mesta delovali po pričakovanjih.

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Polje je obvezno

Ti piškotki so nameščeni samo v primeru, če z namestitvijo soglašate. Piškotke za trženje uporabljamo za spremljanje, kako klikate in obiskujete našo spletno stran, da bi vam prikazali vsebino glede na vaše interese in vam prikazovali prilagojene oglase. Trenutno teh piškotkov ne sprejemate. Prosimo, potrdite to polje, če jih želite sprejeti.