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How to achieve customer satisfaction through content management

A technological solution that strengthens brand perception.
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Distinguishing yourself from the rest and being a renowned business are clear signs of success. Nonetheless, doing so successfully through business differentiation is highly reliant on potential clients and their overall perception of the organisation, which in the end comes down to customer satisfaction.  

As such, organisations are realising that they cannot just rely on selling a mere product or a service – they must market an experience. Yet, they must still find ways to enhance their offering to their customers.

An undeniable common pain that customers often, if not always, encounter is long waiting times. In today’s fast-paced world, clients expect swift solutions and quick answers to their inquiries and problems, and businesses must act to increase customer satisfaction. 

To this end, solutions like Content Services, which are aimed at digitalising the work environment and workflows, can provide the tools intended to streamline processes as well as boost efficiency and security in order to provide an overall better customer experience.

Strong business relationships

When an enquiry from a customer is received, the first step to solving it is knowing who the customer is. Without a content management solution that centralises client data and makes it readily accessible, it can be time-consuming for an employee to look for all the needed information for the case at hand. As a result, the customer can become aggravated by long waiting times and an employee’s inability to find the correct information to provide a quick solution.

By digitising data with a content management solution and using the technology to structure the mountains of information, such issues can be easily avoided. For instance, content management tools can do a lot more than just digitise information. In addition to making it possible to find customer records in a matter of seconds, Content Services and similar solutions allow a business to provide personalised customer service specifically tailored to their needs.

Additionally, information management enables businesses to track who has modified data and when, which makes it easier than ever to solve cases involving a discrepancy or a formal complaint. In the end, the distance between the customer and the business is made closer as the possibility of creating a stronger relationship with the customers is born through Content Services.

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Swift and sophisticated

By offering solutions that enable an easy and efficient organisation of documents and data, employees that work directly with clients will spend less time looking for information related to an enquiry and focus more on providing excellent service. Furthermore, this will ensure that queries are accurately resolved at a much faster pace, thus enhancing the user experience.

Therefore, it is without a doubt that a content management solution can influence the way customers perceive a brand. Everything a business deals with – whether it be emails, invoices, media, and everything in between – is content, and it can all be streamlined to automate processes and contribute further efficiency to business operations with systems such Enterprise Content Management. 

Ultimately, this kind of solution will lead to an almost instant exchange of documents and information, making processes easier for employees and customers alike, thus adding sophistication to a company.

Security as a priority

Customers are increasingly becoming more concerned with how their personal data is used and, therefore, expect companies to handle it in the safest way possible. As such, knowing a business is using modern technology to protect their sensitive information will help build trust with customers.

According to Kyocera Document Solutions Europe’s Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019, just over half of companies across Europe identify information security as a priority. Therefore, enterprises can protect their customers’ data by implementing the security features embedded in content management solutions such as strict control, auditing, and tracking of access to information, as well as regular back-ups of valuable data that can be easily restored at any time in case it is accidentally deleted or damaged.  

This is how Content Services can help streamline and optimise manual processes and workflows, resulting in significant benefits for employees, but above all, for customers. By leveraging content management, companies will have a unique opportunity. For the first time, organisations can further digitalise their business by providing more efficient and personalised customer experience, while strengthening brand perception and building strong relationships. 


Read the white paper

Download your copy of the whitepaper to learn more about the challenges businesses face when it comes to storing data securely.

If this article has got you wanting to learn more, you might also be interested in reading our recent study on the extent of digitalisation in companies across Europe.

Read our study to learn more

Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019

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S piškotki zagotovljamo, da naša spletna stran deluje pravilno, občasno tudi, da na vašo zahtevo ponudimo dodatno storitev (kot je upravljanje vaših nastavitev piškotkov). Ti piškotki so vedno aktivni, razen če nastavite brskalnik, da jih blokira, kar lahko prepreči, da bi nekateri deli spletnega mesta delovali po pričakovanjih.

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Ti piškotki nam omogočajo, da merimo in izboljšujemo delovanje naše spletne strani.

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Ti piškotki so nameščeni samo v primeru, če z namestitvijo soglašate. Piškotke za trženje uporabljamo za spremljanje, kako klikate in obiskujete našo spletno stran, da bi vam prikazali vsebino glede na vaše interese in vam prikazovali prilagojene oglase. Trenutno teh piškotkov ne sprejemate. Prosimo, potrdite to polje, če jih želite sprejeti.