A lot of printing power is hidden under the modern housing of the new P2235 devices: a print speed of up to 35 pages per minute, standard duplex functionality for double-sided printing and a paper capacity of up to 850 sheets. As to expect from KYOCERA, they are extremely reliable devices with long-life components and a low TCO. But there’s more: The print resolution is a remarkable 1,200 dpi, resulting in very sharp and detailed printouts you may not expect from printers in this range.
Wooden desk with storage capacity, including castors (wheels)
KYOmulticode SD 3
Podpira delovanje PCL Barcode flash in Unicode ‘ Andale Mono World Type’ font, ki omogoča tiskanje v azijskih jezikih - japonščini, korejščini, sodobni in tradicionalni kitajščini.
PCL Barcode SD
Dodatek k KYOCERINIM napravam sta eno in dvodimenzionalni črtni kodi (in seveda vdelani znaki za strojno branje OCR-A, OCR-B)
Podpora ThinPrint